A separate Powerpoint resource, including three presentations and a teacher guide, is available for use with Primary children in Year 6. The pack also includes a selection of resources that can be photocopied for classroom use, as well as signposts to further sources of information for those who wish to continue exploring the subject. Part 3, Get Involved, invites your students to join in the discussion around this play by contributing their thoughts and responses to the website. These have been designed with reference to the requirements of the following exam boards: OCR, AQA, Edexcel, and WJEC. This pack includes four full Drama lesson plans for use with students in their GCSE years. The exercises in it are primarily designed for students in Key Stages 3 and 4. The pack has been designed to support the curriculum in GCSE Drama, History, RE and English however, the themed exercises can be adapted by teachers as required. It is primarily intended for the use of teachers who are bringing a group of students to see The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and would like to continue their work on the production after they have visited the theatre. Part 2, Exploring the Play, delves into the artistic, historical and ethical issues raised by the play. It will also be of use for Drama students wanting to learn about the practicalities of creating theatre. We hope that this will be of interest to anyone who would like to learn more about how a theatre production is rehearsed and produced, and how a novel is adapted for the stage. It includes background to the production, descriptions of the creative team’s roles, an interview with the set designer, photographs from the rehearsal and pre-production process, and reflective questions on adaptation.

Part 1, Making Theatre, is an opportunity to explore how a play is brought to life on stage. In creating these education resources, we also aim to support teachers to tackle these subjects with their students at an appropriate level and with the necessary background material. This resource pack is for anyone who would like to explore the play in more detail. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, written by John Boyne, is an absorbing and powerful story that deals with complex and challenging subjects. INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Resource Pack for The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, supporting the new Children’s Touring Partnership production, directed by Joe Murphy and adapted by Angus Jackson. 50 The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas – Story Zoom. 41 Theme Four: Fathers, Leaders, and Breaking the Rules. 35 Theme Two: Barriers, Division, and Opposition. 20 Did anyone in Germany resist the Nazis?. 19 How were Germans persuaded to support the Nazis?. 18 How did the Nazis gain power in Germany?.

8 Interview with Robert Innes-Hopkins, Set Designer. RESOURCE PACK From the book by John Boyne Adapted by Angus Jackson Directed by Joe MurphyĬONTENTS Introduction.